Sunday, July 24, 2005

Derk Bentley's Whirled News Today!

Tangi Wakhan is the checkpoint town where they still fear the bogeyman, Faryabi Zardad. Presently, two falling-apart posts on the roadside are about all that remains there south of Kabul. Parents frequentl tell their children to be good or Zardad willget them. They obey, for the memory of the deposed warlord is still so powerful that people do not talk publicly about it. It has been nearly ten years after Zardad fled Afganistan but the memories of his and his soldiers atrocities still rouse fear. Zardad and his soldiers ruled Tangi Wakhan during the civil war days of the mid-1990s when his raping, killing, and looting were infamous. He even had people who acted like dogs, barking and biting people for his amusement. Eventually, the Taliban drove them out seeking to control the people and all the poppy resin product for heroin production.

A shock treatment where patients are 'retuned' to be non-smokers has claimed an 85 per cent success rate… Stuart Ashby limbered up for the last phase of his 21-year-old pub crawl -he's visited 5,000 pubs so far.… China decided to rewrite history to play down the martial past of its most famous seafarer, a maritime hero said to be the original Sinbad the Sailor.… A Tibetan beauty queen withdrew from an international pageant in Malaysia after the Chinese embassy insisted that she compete as "Miss Tibet-China"…
Senator Hillary Clinton likened President George W Bush to a comic book idiot in an attack apparently designed to restore her credibility with the Democratic grass roots. Look out, Jay (Bird) Leno, she's after YOUR job!
Tenth Annual Redneck Olympic Games had a turnout of more than 15,000 people who all gathered to celebrate the arts of the mudpit bellyflop, hubcap hurl and armpit serenade.
…Cherie Blair showed that she was as happy moving with the Masai as dancing on the disco floor.

Boy Scout Jamboree 2005
July 25 to August 3, 2005; Caroline County, Virginia. BSA.
The 2005 National Boy Scout Jamboree will be held on the 76,000 acre U.S. Army facility at Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia from July 25th – August 3rd, 2005.
Through a unique partnership between XS Scuba, Inc. and the Boy Scouts of America, the 40,000 participants will have the opportunity to experience scuba firsthand.

The true spirit of Scouting is reflected in the Jamboree Program. The focus is on our national heritage, physical fitness and environmental conservation. Over the 10 days, scouts will have the opportunity to participate in archery, snorkeling, kayaking, trap shooting, rappelling, scuba and many other activities.

Four large swimming pools have been erected, staffed by hundreds of trained scuba volunteers to allow thousands of scouts to experience scuba daily. Complete scuba and snorkeling equipment has been provided by XS Scuba. The 350 Luxfer cylinders, equipped with Thermo valves, will be kept continuously filled from large mobile military compressors.
Boy Scouts and Varsity Scouts must be at First Class Scouts. They must have completed the sixth grade or be at least 12 years of age by July 1, 2005, but have not reached their 18th birthday by August 3, 2005. All Boy Scouts and Varsity Scouts must participate in a pre-jamboree training experience; file a complete Personal Health and Medical Record prior to the pre-jamboree training; have been active in a troop or team for at least six months prior to July 1, 2005; and be approved by the unit leader and local council.
CBS (Correctly known as SEE B.S. because of what we have to put up with from these Urinalists)
Sorry! This story dates 1995. Something has been "rotten at See B.S. for over TEN YEARS! Rabbi David Lincoln of the Park Avenue Synagogue in New York City was feted and honored by two community organizations for his efforts in combating false lying propaganda media reports about Jewish life in Ukraine. On March 12, the Ukrainian American Justice Committee (UAJC) and other community organizations honored the rabbi with their first annual Human Relations Award, while on May 10 the New York-based Society of Ukrainian-Jewish Relations honored Rabbi Lincoln for his work in exposing CBS and "60 Minutes." "60 Minutes may or may not be a "C.B.S. or See B.S. Show". "See Bull Stuff was caught red-handed lying about President Bush in a Democrat-influenced story back up by Dan Rather and several phony "documents". Rather probably would have sued Cee Bull Stuff for half of what the network is still worth, so he remains a blotch on their sullied reputation. Their credibility is questioned daily. It is so bad that their "STAR" Dan Rather is brought on last with most of the shows because they realize that viewers will change the channel upon seeing his fraudulent-fausehood-promoting face.

Africa (Undisclosed location)
The trial began for an African tribal elder who killed an English woman with an iron bar. They were man and wife but he became paranoid that she was planning to trade him in for a car What sort of car? Your guess is as good as ours. Guess the African had never heard of divorce.
More than 40 years of civil war have left their mark on Angola. It is one of Africa's poorest nations despite its rich resources.

Australians are now scared that their unique form of the English langage will die off becaus some of their most distinctive and irreverent expressions, idioms and slang words were being lost due to a flood of imports, esp/ music from America

A shock treatment where patients are 'retuned' to be non-smokers has claimed an 85 per cent success rate Drinker Stuart Ashby readyed himself for the final phase of his 21-year-old "pub crawl " Ashby had sipped in 5,000 pubs he has managed to see. Senator Hillary Clinton likened President George W Bush to a comic book idiot in an attack apparently designed to restore her credibility with the Democratic grass roots… More than 15,000 people gathered to celebrate the arts of the mudpit bellyflop, hubcap hurl and armpit serenade at the 10th Annual Redneck Games… Australians expressed fear that some of their most distinctive and irreverent expressions, idioms and slang words were being lost amidst a flood of imports from America…An African tribal elder who married an English woman killed her with an iron bar because he feared she was planning to trade him in for a car, a court heard…Cherie Blair showed that she was as happy moving with the Masai as dancing on the disco floor.
On July 14,2005, Immediate action to exclude and deport religious extremists from overseas who are radicalizing British-born Muslims was announced by Tony Blair. The Prime Minister called on Muslim leaders to join him in a world-wide opposion to "perverted and evil" ideology behind the incitement and instigation of terrorist London bombings. He called for calm after the announcement that four of the suicide bombers were born and raised in Britain.
Britain announced changes to the immigration system, which formerly allowed low-skilled workers from non-European Union countries to settle. No longer will they be be eligible to settle in Britain in the future because Britain is wising up. The US will likely mimmick soon allowing its native-norn teenagers to work jobs hogged by illegal aliens and also eliminate smuggling and terrorist sneakins.
Boy Scout Jamboree 2005
July 30 to August 10, 2005; Hylands Park, Chelmsford, Essex, United Kingdom.
The history of the Chechen people is a long tale of bloody conflict and marginalisation since the Chechnya Muslims want independence like all Muslims in foreign countries and do not assimilate with other cultures.

China after deep thoughts, has undertaken rewrite history in order to play down the warlike past of its most famous seafarer, a naval legendary hero said to be the original be the mythical or true-to-life, Sinbad the Sailor. A Tibetan beauty queen pulled out of an international pageant in Malaysia when the Chinese embassy officials insisted that she compete as "Miss Tibet-China". Apparently she is a Buddist and a Nationalist and very gutsy as the Red Chinese do not take to "independent" thought.

The equatorial home to 250 ethnic groups and tribes, Congo boasts the world's last remaining white rhinos and mountain gorillas and is rich in natural resources. Parts of the Congo once were a colony of Belgium.

Gibraltar occupies a position of strategic importance at the southern tip of the Iberian peninsula and is Britain's last colonial possession in the Mediterranean.

Boy Scout Jamboree 2005
Icelandic Jamboree 2005
July 19-26, 2005; Lake Ulfljotsvatn, Ulfljotsvatn, Iceland.

Rich in cultural and linguistic diversity, India is one of the most highly populated countries in the world. India was rocked by violence until the country decided to allot the Muslim population autonomy with Pakistan. Land for peace did not work and for many years the two countrues have fought over Kasmir as Pakistan seeks to expand and take all of India eventually.

The largest non-Arab power in the Middle East, strategically located on the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz, vital oil-transporting routes.

Situated in the heart of the Middle East, Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world after Saudi Arabia.

More troops were deployed than ever before during peace but it stopped a mass protest planned by opponents of the Gaza withdrawal plan. Apparently Israelis realize withdrawal is both unsafe and foolish.

The Kashmir Valley is of strategic importance for both India and Pakistan, who are vying for control of the area.

Since achieving independence in 1943, Lebanon has been a turbulent country.

Africa's oldest black republic has suffered decades of civil war with hundreds of thousands being killed.

Malta is the scene of Steven Spielberg's latest secret film project. On Monday, July 18,2005, a brand new Mercedes truck full of film gear burned totally. Fears of Muslim sabotage and terrorism are rampant because the film is about The driver
When a brand new Mercedes truck full of equipment for Steven Spielberg's controversial new film went up in flames last week, it did not take long for rumours of terrorism and sabotage to sweep the set in Malta that the truch had been deliberately destroyed. The top secret Israli service commando squad dispatched by Golda Meir hunted down the Palestinian terrorists who massacred 11 Israeli athletes during the 1972 Olympics in Munich, Germany. The strike force eventually killed ten terrorists but allegedly one suspect they shot to death in Norway appeared to be an innocent Moroccan waiter.
As flames erupted in the truck, the driver ran for his life. John Mifsud, the Maltese driver, later reported to investigators,"I was parking when I heard a bang coming from the back and in a few seconds the truck was ablaze and I managed to jump out unharmed."
The film, starring the British actor Daniel Craig, tells the story of a guilt-ridden Mossad shooter who has feelings that,"It's all about how vengeance doesn't work. Blood breeds blood." A very concerned Spielberg fretted about the film's possible impact on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and how it might be received in Israel so he took bought but dubious script advice from Bill Clinton, and better free advice from his own rabbi.
Investigators eventually traced the cause of the fire to an over-filled , over-heated gasoline tank on a generator exploded

Middle East
The Israeli / Palestinian conflict has dominated the region for more than 50 years, fueled by $20,000 payments to homicide bomber's families by wealthy Muslims like Saddam Hussein and real estate agents exporting and exploiting the poor to become new Palestinians and keep the tensions fomenting violence.

North Korea
The world's last Stalinist nation is bankrupt and its people are starving. Food has been rationed for years to better finance the Communists' nuclear bomb and missle programs. Their leader reportedly drinks the finest wines and sleeps in palacial splendar unlike Chairman Mao who avoided luxuries. But Communist North Korea poses a greater military threat to the US than Iraq since Bill Clinton enabled their nuclear buildup by giving them oil and nuclear materials during the 1990s.

Peru's version of J.Edgar Hoover, fugitive spymaster, Vladimiro Montesinos, 56, all but ran Peru for ten years. Vladimiro Montesinos and Alberto Fujimori, the former president, often had meetings in the wee hours of the morning to plan projects that led to the defeat of the Shining Path rebel movement and brought an end to the long Japanese embassy siege.

But with Mr Fujimori exiled in Japan after being brought down, Peru's new government has been trying to investigate Montesinos's shadowy past, uncovering an entanglement of corruption but no whereabouts of the spymaster himself , who is wanted on charges ranging from money laundering to organising death squads. He appears to be travelling South America freely, enjoying luxury yachts, private planes and new facial construction to avoid capture. Montesinos's espionage tradecraft will serve him well and protect him, but others have their doubts that anybody is truly searching for him, and there is always someone who says Vladimiro Montesinos is already dead and buried in an unknown grave. Federico Salas, Mr Fujimori's former prime minister, stated, "Montesinos has a lot of information on a lot of people. There are a lot of people who would prefer Montesinos was not found."

Solomon Islands
Once known as the Happy Islands, this archipelago of 1,000 islands and 70 languages form part of the Pacific's "arc of instability".

Saudi Arabia
A country famous as the cradle of Islam will never live that down and as the producer of 25 per cent of the world's oil which will run out eventually. All the Saudi Family needs to gamble,shop, and get rid of that money as quickly as possible since Allah wants them back to their tents, sandalled, and herding their animals. Their religion will then suit their kifestyle and Allah will richly bless them, just not financially.

Syria's past has been characterised by invasions, occupations and military coups.

Sudan issued a public apology to Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, after their guards pushed, shoved and threatened her entourage in Khartoum. There was also a terrorist threat to her life and to the lives of her assistants.

On Saturday July 16, a homicide/suicide bomber killed a British woman tourist and severely injured five Britons in an attack that killed six people in Turkey at a resort.

Decades of political turmoil and the increasingly dictatorial rule of Robert Mugabe have left it on the brink of collapse.